Which of the following is a benefit of GROW coaching?

It places the responsibility for improvement on the person being coached.

It can be implemented without any direct involvement from sales management.

It gives the management team more control over individual salespeople.

It simplifies the way salespeople report their progress.

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Explanation: The correct answer is It places the responsibility for improvement on the person being coached. GROW coaching is designed to empower individuals to take ownership of their personal and professional development. By following the GROW framework (Goal, Reality, Options, Way forward), the coaching process encourages self-reflection, goal setting, and action planning, all of which place the responsibility for improvement squarely on the person being coached. This approach fosters accountability, autonomy, and self-reliance, as individuals are actively involved in identifying their goals, assessing their current reality, exploring potential solutions, and determining the steps needed to achieve their objectives. Moreover, by placing the responsibility for improvement on the individual, GROW coaching promotes a culture of continuous learning and growth, where individuals are motivated to take proactive steps to enhance their skills, performance, and overall effectiveness. Ultimately, by empowering individuals to drive their own development, GROW coaching facilitates meaningful and sustainable improvement, aligning with best practices in coaching and talent development. Therefore, the selected answer accurately identifies a key benefit of GROW coaching, emphasizing its focus on empowering individuals to take ownership of their growth and improvement journey.

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