Which of the following is an example of an ineffective coaching technique that should be avoided?

The sales team has a film review to listen to a sales call a team member ran, and the manager assigns another team member to give critical feedback.

During a pipeline review, the sales manager allows the salespeople to ask each other inspection questions instead of the sales manager asking the questions.

A salesperson is struggling to write a follow-up email, so the sales manager steps in and writes it for them.

During a one-on-one meeting, the sales manager asks the salesperson to choose what skill they want to work on.

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Explanation: The correct answer is A salesperson is struggling to write a follow-up email, so the sales manager steps in and writes it for them. Effective coaching involves empowering salespeople to develop their skills and problem-solving abilities rather than providing immediate solutions or taking over tasks on their behalf. By writing the follow-up email for the struggling salesperson, the sales manager not only fails to address the root cause of the issue but also deprives the salesperson of the opportunity to learn and improve their communication skills. This approach fosters dependency rather than autonomy and can lead to a reliance on the manager for solving future challenges, inhibiting the salesperson’s growth and development. In contrast, effective coaching techniques focus on guiding and supporting salespeople through challenges, encouraging them to identify solutions independently, and providing constructive feedback and guidance to help them improve. By avoiding interventions that undermine salespeople’s autonomy and problem-solving capabilities, sales managers can foster a culture of accountability, self-reliance, and continuous improvement within their teams, ultimately driving greater performance and success.

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