Which of the following is an example of when you should use a restricted knowledge base?

If you only want your customers, not prospects, to access your information

If you don't want your competitors to access your information

If you only want your customers to see the articles once


None of the above

Certification program: 👉 HubSpot academy certification exams

Explanation: The correct answer is ‘A&B.’ A restricted knowledge base is utilized in scenarios where access to information needs to be limited to specific groups, such as customers, employees, or selected stakeholders. Option A highlights the use of a restricted knowledge base when only customers, not prospects, should have access to the information. This ensures that sensitive or proprietary information is only shared with individuals who have an established relationship with the company, maintaining confidentiality and privacy. Option B underscores the importance of a restricted knowledge base in safeguarding information from competitors. By limiting access to authorized users only, companies can protect proprietary knowledge, strategies, or intellectual property from falling into the hands of competitors, thus preserving their competitive advantage. Therefore, the combination of options A and B provides a comprehensive understanding of situations where a restricted knowledge base is necessary, addressing both the need for customer exclusivity and protection against competitive threats.

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