Which of the following is NOT a benefit of having a social media strategy?

Social media helps you expand your other marketing efforts.

Social media helps you attract buyers.

Social media helps you send better emails.

Social media is a key driver for word-of-mouth marketing.

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Explanation: Not having a social media strategy does not directly correlate with sending better emails. While social media can certainly complement and enhance other marketing efforts, such as expanding reach and attracting potential buyers, its direct impact on email quality or effectiveness is not inherently evident. A well-crafted social media strategy can indeed contribute to building brand awareness, engaging with customers, and driving word-of-mouth marketing, but it doesn’t inherently translate into improved email performance. Therefore, the correct answer is ‘Social media helps you send better emails’ because it does not align with the typical benefits associated with having a social media strategy, such as amplifying marketing efforts, attracting buyers, or driving word-of-mouth marketing.

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