Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using OAuth as your authentication flow?

It adds more complexity to the integration’s authentication.

It allows an application to be portable.

It can be created inside of single HubSpot accounts.

It allows you to list your integration on the App Marketplace.

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Explanation: The selected answer, ‘It can be created inside of single HubSpot accounts,’ is correct because it accurately identifies a characteristic that is not a benefit of using OAuth as an authentication flow. OAuth is an open standard for access delegation, commonly used for enabling secure and controlled access to resources without sharing passwords. While OAuth offers several benefits, such as enhanced security, delegated access control, and interoperability with third-party applications, it does not inherently allow the creation of integrations inside single HubSpot accounts. In fact, OAuth primarily facilitates the authorization process between different entities, such as the integration provider and the HubSpot platform, by securely exchanging tokens to grant access permissions. Integrations themselves are typically created and managed separately from the authentication flow and may involve additional steps, such as registering the integration, defining its functionality, and configuring access permissions. Therefore, understanding that OAuth primarily addresses authentication and access control aspects, rather than integration creation within single accounts, is essential for effectively leveraging OAuth in integration development and ensuring secure and compliant access to HubSpot resources.

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