Which of the following is NOT a standard HubSpot object?





Certification program: 👉 HubSpot academy certification exams

Explanation: The correct answer is Subscriptions. In HubSpot, Contacts, Tickets, and Deals are standard objects within the platform, each serving a specific purpose in managing customer relationships and sales processes. Contacts represent individual people or entities within the CRM system, storing information such as their name, email address, phone number, and interactions with the company. Tickets are used for tracking customer inquiries, support requests, or issues, allowing teams to manage and resolve them efficiently. Deals are used to track sales opportunities, including details such as deal amount, stage, and probability of closing. However, Subscriptions are not a standard HubSpot object. While HubSpot offers subscription-based services and tools, Subscriptions are not explicitly managed as objects within the HubSpot CRM or platform. Instead, subscription-related functionalities may be integrated with other objects or managed through external systems or third-party tools. Therefore, among the options provided, Subscriptions do not represent a standard HubSpot object.

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