Which of the following is NOT a storytelling best practice?

Create emotional appeal through your content

Be consistent and authentic

Use the third-person point of view

Your story should be clear and concise

Certification program: 👉 HubSpot academy certification exams

Explanation: The storytelling best practice that is NOT advisable is to Use the third-person point of view. While employing the third-person perspective can be suitable for certain types of narratives, such as traditional fiction or journalistic reporting, it is generally not recommended for business storytelling. Business storytelling often aims to establish a personal connection with the audience and engage them directly in the narrative. Using the third-person point of view can create a sense of detachment and impersonality, making it challenging to establish rapport and empathy with the audience. Instead, utilizing the first-person or second-person perspective allows for a more immediate and intimate storytelling experience, enabling businesses to connect with their audience on a deeper level. Therefore, while creating emotional appeal, being consistent and authentic, and ensuring clarity and conciseness are all essential storytelling best practices, using the third-person point of view is not conducive to effective business storytelling.

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