Which of the following metrics does Facebook use to rate the expected performance of your ads? Select all that apply.





Certification program: 👉 HubSpot academy certification exams

Explanation: The correct answers are Quality, Engagement, and Conversion. Facebook uses a combination of metrics to rate the expected performance of ads within its platform. Quality refers to the perceived quality of an ad, including factors such as relevance, authenticity, and user experience. Ads that are high in quality are more likely to be shown to users and receive favorable placements within Facebook’s ad auction system. Engagement measures how users interact with an ad, including actions such as likes, comments, shares, and clicks. Ads that generate high levels of engagement are seen as more relevant and valuable to users, leading to better performance and lower advertising costs. Conversion metrics track the number of desired actions taken by users after interacting with an ad, such as website visits, form submissions, or purchases. Ads that drive conversions effectively are considered successful and are more likely to be prioritized by Facebook’s algorithms. While Relevance is an important factor in ad performance, it is not explicitly used as a metric for rating expected performance. However, relevance indirectly influences other metrics such as quality and engagement. Overall, by evaluating metrics such as quality, engagement, and conversion, Facebook assesses the expected effectiveness of ads and determines their placement and visibility within the platform, helping advertisers optimize their campaigns for better results and return on investment.

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