Which of the following represents a phrase match keyword?

+smart tv

-smart tv

[smart tv]

“smart tv”

Certification program: 👉 HubSpot academy certification exams

Explanation: The correct answer is “smart tv”. In search engine marketing, particularly in platforms like Google Ads, a phrase match keyword is denoted by enclosing the keyword phrase within quotation marks. This means that the ad will be triggered when users search for the specific keyword phrase in the exact order, but it can also include additional words before or after the phrase. For instance, if the keyword is ‘smart TV,’ the ad may appear for search queries like ‘best smart TV deals’ or ‘smart TV reviews,’ as long as the phrase ‘smart TV’ is included in the search query. However, it won’t trigger ads for searches that don’t contain the phrase ‘smart TV’ in the specified order. This match type offers a balance between the specificity of exact match and the flexibility of broad match, allowing advertisers to reach a relevant audience while capturing variations of their target keyword phrases. The use of quotation marks around the keyword phrase is crucial to designate it as a phrase match, ensuring that the ad appears for searches that closely align with the specified phrase, thereby maximizing ad relevance and improving campaign performance.

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