Why is it necessary to obtain consent before sending your audience promotional SMS messages?

You need to obtain consent before sending your audience promotional SMS messages to your audience, because it’s the right thing to do as an inbound marketer.

You need to obtain consent before sending your audience promotional SMS messages because it is a legal requirement in many countries.

You need to obtain consent before sending your audience promotional SMS messages because otherwise, your potential leads will likely block your number.

You don’t need to obtain consent before sending promotional SMS messages to your audience.

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Explanation: The selected answer, You need to obtain consent before sending your audience promotional SMS messages because it is a legal requirement in many countries, is correct because it highlights a crucial aspect of marketing ethics and compliance. In many countries, there are strict regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the United States, that mandate obtaining explicit consent from individuals before sending them promotional messages via SMS or other electronic means. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in severe penalties, including fines and legal consequences. Obtaining consent not only ensures compliance with legal requirements but also demonstrates respect for individuals’ privacy and preferences, fostering trust and positive relationships with the audience. Additionally, sending unsolicited promotional messages without consent can lead to negative outcomes such as brand reputation damage, decreased engagement, and potential loss of customers. Therefore, obtaining consent is not only a legal obligation but also a fundamental practice in responsible and effective marketing strategies.

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