You are adding a new contact to your CRM in HubSpot and want to ensure data accuracy and efficiency in prospecting. Why is it essential to provide an email address for the person you are adding?

To receive email notifications for task reminders.

To access personalized email templates within the CRM.

To track the contact's engagement with website visits.

To check if the contact already exists in the system and avoid duplicate records.

Certification program: 👉 HubSpot academy certification exams

Explanation: The selected answer, To check if the contact already exists in the system and avoid duplicate records, is correct. Providing an email address when adding a new contact to your CRM in HubSpot is essential for ensuring data accuracy and efficiency in prospecting, primarily because it allows the system to check if the contact already exists, thereby helping to avoid duplicate records. HubSpot’s CRM is designed to maintain a single, unified record for each contact, ensuring consistency and coherence in communication and engagement tracking. By providing an email address, the system can cross-reference the entered information with existing records in the CRM. If a matching email address is found, it alerts the user, preventing the creation of duplicate records for the same contact. This functionality not only helps maintain data integrity and accuracy within the CRM but also prevents potential confusion and inefficiencies resulting from redundant or conflicting information. Additionally, avoiding duplicate records ensures that communication history, engagement metrics, and other relevant data are consolidated and easily accessible, facilitating more informed and personalized interactions with prospects and customers. Therefore, providing an email address for the contact being added is crucial for data hygiene, efficiency in prospecting, and overall CRM management in HubSpot.

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