You have a goal of redesigning your website, but you first want to know which categories certain links should go under. Which research method should you use?

Listening labs

Exploratory interviews

Card sorts

Benchmark testing

Certification program: 👉 HubSpot academy certification exams

Explanation: The selected answer, ‘Card sorts,’ is correct because card sorting is a research method commonly used to gather insights into how users categorize and organize information on a website. In a card sorting exercise, participants are asked to organize topics, features, or content items into categories that make sense to them, providing valuable input into the website’s information architecture. By conducting card sorts, researchers can understand users’ mental models and preferences regarding website navigation, helping to inform the design and organization of website menus, navigation bars, and content groupings. This method allows researchers to gain insights directly from users, ensuring that the website’s structure aligns with users’ expectations and preferences. As a result, card sorting is an effective research method for informing website redesign efforts and optimizing user experience by ensuring intuitive and user-friendly navigation pathways. Therefore, selecting card sorts as the research method for determining the categorization of links on the website aligns with the goal of understanding user perspectives and preferences to inform the redesign process effectively.

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