You notice quite a bit of traffic is coming to your site and being categorized as Direct traffic. Why might these site visitors be categorized in this way? Select all that apply.

The referring URL of a visit is an identified mail domain or RSS reader.

The referring URL is HubSpot.

The referring URL is from a third-party software that you have integrated with HubSpot.

The referring URL of a visit is empty because a visitor typed your website URL into their browser directly, or the referring information is otherwise lost.

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Explanation: Site visitors might be categorized as Direct traffic for two main reasons, both of which are highlighted by the correct answers. Firstly, if the referring URL of a visit is empty because a visitor typed your website URL into their browser directly, or the referring information is otherwise lost, HubSpot categorizes the traffic as Direct. This occurs when visitors directly navigate to your website by typing the URL into their browser or clicking on a bookmark, preventing HubSpot from identifying any specific referral source. Secondly, if the referring URL of a visit is an identified mail domain or RSS reader, indicating that the visit originated from an email campaign or an RSS feed, HubSpot categorizes the traffic as Direct. In this scenario, the referral information may not be passed along or may be obscured, leading HubSpot to attribute the traffic directly to your website. These reasons illustrate why site visitors might be categorized as Direct traffic in HubSpot and underscore the importance of understanding the various factors that influence traffic attribution for accurate analysis and reporting.

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