You work for a company that has a form where people can request a free consultation. You want to create a list of people in your territory who have submitted this form. Which tool will you need to use to do this?

Saved filters

Task queues


Lead flows

Certification program: 👉 HubSpot academy certification exams

Explanation: The correct tool to use in this scenario is Saved filters. Saved filters allow users to create specific criteria for filtering contacts, companies, deals, or tickets within their HubSpot account. In this case, by setting up a saved filter, you can specify the criteria based on the form submission indicating a request for a free consultation. This filter can include parameters such as the form submission date, the territory of the requester, or any other relevant information collected through the form. By applying this filter, you can quickly generate a list of people in your territory who have submitted the consultation form, facilitating targeted outreach and follow-up. Saved filters offer a flexible and efficient way to segment data within HubSpot, enabling users to organize and manage contacts effectively based on various attributes or actions, such as form submissions, making them an ideal tool for creating targeted lists like the one needed in this scenario.

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