Your friend is starting a company and wants to identify the job their product will do for people. What advice would you give them?

Make your best guess based on the reason you're starting your company.

Wait until you have at least 100 customers, and then interview 10 or 12 of them.

Put a plan in place to interview your first few customers soon after they buy from you.

Ask customers of your competitors why they bought the products they did.

Certification program: 👉 HubSpot academy certification exams

Explanation: The correct answer is Put a plan in place to interview your first few customers soon after they buy from you. This advice aligns with the principles of Jobs Theory, which emphasizes understanding why people buy certain products or services. By interviewing the first few customers shortly after their purchase, your friend can gain valuable insights into the job their product is doing for them. These interviews can uncover the specific needs, challenges, and motivations driving customers to choose their product over alternatives. Understanding the job-to-be-done allows companies to tailor their offerings more effectively, refine their value proposition, and identify areas for improvement or innovation. By engaging with customers early in the process, your friend can gather actionable feedback to inform product development, marketing strategies, and overall business direction, setting a strong foundation for success.

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