Where do you go in the Microsoft Advertising User Interface to carry out a merchant center import?

Import, Import from Google Ads

Merchant Center, Store, Import

Merchant Center, Import from Google Ads

Import, Import from file

Certification program: 👉 Microsoft Advertising Shopping certification exam

Explanation: The correct answer is Merchant Center, Store, Import. Within the Microsoft Advertising User Interface, to carry out a Merchant Center import, advertisers need to navigate to the specific section dedicated to managing their merchant center settings and configurations. By going to ‘Merchant Center’ and then selecting ‘Store’ from the dropdown menu, advertisers can access the settings related to their store setup and management. Within the ‘Store’ section, there is an option for ‘Import,’ allowing advertisers to initiate the import process directly from the Microsoft Advertising interface. This streamlined process enables advertisers to seamlessly import product data, settings, and configurations from their Google Merchant Center or other relevant sources into their Microsoft Advertising account. By following this pathway, advertisers can efficiently synchronize their product information across platforms, ensuring consistency and accuracy in their advertising campaigns while maximizing their reach and visibility to potential customers. Therefore, selecting ‘Merchant Center, Store, Import’ within the Microsoft Advertising User Interface is the correct option for carrying out a Merchant Center import, aligning with the standard workflow for managing product feeds and settings in the platform’s ecosystem.

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