What are the two current keywordless campaign types that marketers can use to drive incremental reach?

Performance Max

Dynamic Search Ads

Responsive search ads

Expanded text ads

Certification program: 👉 Google Search Ads Certification Exam"

Explanation: The correct answers are Performance Max and Dynamic Search Ads. These two campaign types offer marketers the ability to drive incremental reach without relying on specific keywords. Firstly, Performance Max campaigns leverage Google’s machine learning algorithms to automatically optimize bidding and targeting across multiple Google ad inventory sources, including Search, Display, YouTube, and Discovery. By analyzing user behavior and performance data, Performance Max campaigns dynamically adjust targeting and bidding strategies to reach potential customers across various channels and touchpoints, maximizing campaign reach and effectiveness. Secondly, Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) dynamically generate ad headlines and landing pages based on website content, allowing advertisers to reach users with relevant ads tailored to their search queries, even if those queries do not precisely match existing keywords. By automatically targeting relevant search queries based on website content and user intent, DSA campaigns can drive incremental reach and capture new opportunities without the need for keyword management. Therefore, the selected answers correctly identify keywordless campaign types that enable marketers to expand their reach and effectively target potential customers across different online platforms and channels.

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