With billions of searches on Google every day, how does Google AI help marketers maximize search ad performance?

With Google AI, broad match and Smart Bidding match ads to queries and adjust bids in real time.

With Google AI, Ad Rank prioritizes expected clickthrough rate over ad relevance, or vice versa.

With Google AI, marketers no longer need to invest in high-quality image assets.

With Google AI, Smart Bidding predicts queries with the highest volume to set bids automatically.

Certification program: 👉 Google Search Ads Certification Exam"

Explanation: The selected answer, With Google AI, broad match and Smart Bidding match ads to queries and adjust bids in real-time, accurately portrays how Google AI contributes to maximizing search ad performance by leveraging advanced technologies to optimize targeting and bidding strategies. Through the application of artificial intelligence (AI), Google’s broad match feature matches ads to relevant search queries by considering various factors such as keyword context, user intent, and historical performance data, ensuring that ads are displayed to users most likely to engage with them. Additionally, Smart Bidding utilizes machine learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data and make automated bid adjustments in real-time based on factors like user behavior, device type, and time of day, optimizing bids to maximize performance and achieve campaign objectives. By incorporating AI-driven technologies like broad match and Smart Bidding, marketers can enhance the precision and efficiency of their search advertising campaigns, reaching the most relevant audiences and bidding strategically to drive optimal results. This approach not only maximizes ad performance but also saves marketers time and resources by automating complex processes and leveraging AI’s predictive capabilities. Unlike options that suggest AI primarily influences factors like Ad Rank prioritization or image asset quality, which are not directly related to maximizing ad performance, the selected answer accurately highlights how Google AI enhances targeting and bidding processes to drive better outcomes for advertisers within Google Ads. Therefore, by harnessing the power of Google AI, marketers can effectively optimize their search ad campaigns, improve performance, and achieve their advertising goals more efficiently in the dynamic digital landscape.

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