Which ad types are considered Sponsored Content? Select all that apply.

Single Image Ads

Carousel Ads

Thought Leader Ads

Video Ads

Document Ads

Event Ads

Choose an option to see if it’s correct. Check the explanation below. Learn Smarter, not Harder.

Which ad types are considered Sponsored Content? Select all that apply.

Explanation: The ad types considered Sponsored Content include **Single Image Ads**, **Carousel Ads**, **Thought Leader Ads**, **Video Ads**, **Document Ads**, and **Event Ads**. Sponsored Content is a type of native advertising on LinkedIn that appears seamlessly within users' feeds, blending in with organic content while offering opportunities for engagement. Single Image Ads and Carousel Ads allow advertisers to showcase their products or services with visually compelling imagery and captions, driving user engagement. Thought Leader Ads position individuals as industry experts by promoting their content to a targeted audience, fostering thought leadership and brand credibility. Video Ads leverage the power of video content to captivate audiences and deliver impactful messages in an engaging format. Document Ads enable advertisers to share downloadable content such as whitepapers, case studies, or guides directly within the LinkedIn feed, providing value to users while promoting brand expertise. Lastly, Event Ads promote events such as webinars, conferences, or workshops, driving attendance and engagement. By leveraging these Sponsored Content formats, advertisers can effectively reach and engage their target audience on LinkedIn, driving brand awareness, consideration, and conversion. Therefore, the correct options are **Single Image Ads**, **Carousel Ads**, **Thought Leader Ads**, **Video Ads**, **Document Ads**, and **Event Ads**.

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LinkedIn Ads certifications are available on LinkdIn Marketing Labs platform. You can access and earn individual certificates for free.

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