What can someone with the Creative Manager role do in Campaign Manager?

Oversee overall account actions, including managing users, creating campaigns, and editing campaigns

View and download campaign data and reports

Change billing details

Edit and add new creatives

Create and edit campaigns

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What can someone with the Creative Manager role do in Campaign Manager?

Explanation: In Campaign Manager, someone with the Creative Manager role possesses specific privileges related to managing ad creatives. They have the authority to **edit and add new creatives** within Campaign Manager, enabling them to contribute to the creative aspects of advertising campaigns. This includes tasks such as designing new ad visuals, crafting compelling ad copy, or optimizing existing creatives to improve campaign performance. By allowing Creative Managers to edit and add new creatives directly within Campaign Manager, LinkedIn empowers them to play a crucial role in shaping the visual identity and messaging of ad campaigns, ensuring that the content resonates with the target audience and aligns with the campaign objectives. Conversely, roles such as overseeing overall account actions, viewing and downloading campaign data and reports, changing billing details, or creating and editing campaigns are not specifically related to the creative management aspect of Campaign Manager and are typically associated with other roles within the platform. Therefore, the correct action that someone with the Creative Manager role can perform in Campaign Manager is to **edit and add new creatives**.

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LinkedIn Ads certifications are available on LinkdIn Marketing Labs platform. You can access and earn individual certificates for free.

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