What is manual bidding (Enhanced)?

Get the most results with your bid while controlling your bid in the auction

Get the most results possible with your full budget

Set a maximum cost per key result

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What is manual bidding (Enhanced)?

Explanation: Manual bidding (Enhanced) refers to the bidding strategy where advertisers aim to **get the most results with their bid while controlling their bid in the auction**. This strategy offers advertisers more control and flexibility over their bidding process, allowing them to optimize their bids based on campaign objectives, budget constraints, and desired outcomes. With manual bidding (Enhanced), advertisers can set their bids at the level that they believe will maximize their return on investment (ROI) while ensuring that they remain competitive in the ad auction. By actively managing their bids, advertisers can adjust their bidding strategy in real-time based on performance data, market conditions, and campaign goals, enabling them to achieve optimal results within their budgetary constraints. This bidding approach empowers advertisers to strike the right balance between bid competitiveness and cost-effectiveness, driving efficient campaign performance and maximizing the value derived from their advertising spend. Therefore, the selected answer is correct, as manual bidding (Enhanced) aims to get the most results with the bid while maintaining control over bidding in the auction, offering advertisers a strategic approach to optimize their campaign performance and achieve their objectives effectively.

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Where do I find this certification program?

LinkedIn Ads certifications are available on LinkdIn Marketing Labs platform. You can access and earn individual certificates for free.

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