LinkedIn Pages have page admin and paid media admin roles.



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LinkedIn Pages have page admin and paid media admin roles.

Explanation: **TRUE**. LinkedIn Pages offer various roles to manage and administer page activities, including both **page admin** and **paid media admin** roles. The **page admin** role is responsible for overseeing the overall management and administration of the LinkedIn Page, including content creation, community engagement, and page settings. This role typically belongs to individuals who have primary responsibility for the organization's LinkedIn presence and brand representation. On the other hand, the **paid media admin** role focuses specifically on managing advertising activities associated with the LinkedIn Page, including creating and managing ad campaigns, accessing campaign performance insights, and managing billing and payment details. This role is crucial for organizations that engage in paid advertising on LinkedIn and ensures that advertising efforts align with broader page objectives and strategies. Therefore, the selected answer is correct as LinkedIn Pages indeed offer both page admin and paid media admin roles to facilitate effective management and administration of page activities and advertising campaigns on the platform.

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