Kerry wants to optimize her campaigns by better understanding the target audience for her ads. While running her last campaign, Kerry focused her targeting on Job Function. What can she use to see additional information about targeted individuals?

Audience Tracking

Campaign Demographics

Insights Tracking

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Kerry wants to optimize her campaigns by better understanding the target audience for her ads. While running her last campaign, Kerry focused her targeting on Job Function. What can she use to see additional information about targeted individuals?

Explanation: The correct answer is 'Campaign Demographics.' This feature allows Kerry to delve deeper into the characteristics of the audience she targeted based on job function. By accessing Campaign Demographics, Kerry gains valuable insights into various demographic factors such as job seniority, company size, industry, and location of the individuals who engaged with her ads. This information provides Kerry with a more comprehensive understanding of her audience's composition, enabling her to refine her targeting strategy for future campaigns. Unlike Audience Tracking, which generally monitors the performance of an audience segment over time, and Insights Tracking, which provides broader insights into ad performance metrics, Campaign Demographics specifically focuses on the demographic attributes of the audience targeted in a particular campaign. Therefore, Campaign Demographics is the most relevant tool for Kerry's objective of optimizing her campaigns by gaining a deeper understanding of her target audience.

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