What is maximum delivery bidding (Automated)?

Set a maximum cost per key result

Get the most results with your bid while controlling your bid in the auction

Get the most results possible with your full budget

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What is maximum delivery bidding (Automated)?

Explanation: Maximum delivery bidding (Automated) allows advertisers to **get the most results possible with their full budget**. This bidding strategy is designed to maximize the delivery of an ad campaign within the allocated budget. With this approach, the ad platform, in this case, LinkedIn, automatically adjusts the bid to optimize the campaign's performance and deliver the maximum possible results, such as clicks, impressions, conversions, or other specified objectives, while ensuring that the entire budget is utilized effectively. By selecting this option, advertisers can streamline their campaign management process, as the platform takes care of bid adjustments based on real-time auction dynamics, audience behavior, and campaign performance data. This ensures efficient budget allocation and maximizes the return on advertising investment by driving optimal results within the specified budget constraints. Therefore, maximum delivery bidding (Automated) is the correct choice for advertisers looking to achieve the highest possible outcomes from their LinkedIn ad campaigns while fully utilizing their budget to reach their campaign objectives and target audience effectively.

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Where do I find this certification program?

LinkedIn Ads certifications are available on LinkdIn Marketing Labs platform. You can access and earn individual certificates for free.

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