Tomas is recruiting and wants to reach job applicants for a specific role. According to LinkedIn, which Sponsored Content ad format should he use?

Thought Leader Ads

Carousel Ads

Event Ads

Document Ads

Video Ads

Single Image Ads

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Tomas is recruiting and wants to reach job applicants for a specific role. According to LinkedIn, which Sponsored Content ad format should he use?

Explanation: The most suitable Sponsored Content ad format for Tomas to use when recruiting and aiming to reach job applicants for a specific role is **Single Image Ads**. This format allows for the promotion of job opportunities with visually appealing and engaging single images, accompanied by compelling copy that highlights the job details and encourages candidates to apply. Single Image Ads are effective in capturing the attention of LinkedIn users as they scroll through their feeds, providing a clear and concise representation of the job opening and enticing potential applicants to click through to learn more and ultimately apply. With its straightforward yet impactful design, Single Image Ads enable Tomas to effectively showcase the job opportunity to his target audience, maximizing the chances of attracting qualified candidates and driving successful recruitment outcomes.

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LinkedIn Ads certifications are available on LinkdIn Marketing Labs platform. You can access and earn individual certificates for free.

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