What can someone with the Billing Admin role do in Campaign Manager?

View and download campaign data and reports

Oversee overall account actions, including managing users, creating campaigns, and editing campaigns

Create and edit campaigns

Edit and add new creatives

Change billing details

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What can someone with the Billing Admin role do in Campaign Manager?

Explanation: The correct answer is 'Change billing details.' In Campaign Manager, someone with the Billing Admin role holds the responsibility of managing billing-related actions and ensuring the financial aspects of advertising campaigns are appropriately handled. This role allows the individual to make changes to billing details, such as updating payment methods, modifying billing addresses, or adjusting invoicing preferences. Having control over billing details is crucial for maintaining the financial integrity of advertising accounts and ensuring smooth transactions between advertisers and the platform. By assigning individuals with the Billing Admin role, platforms like LinkedIn can ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive billing information, reducing the risk of unauthorized changes or fraudulent activities. Therefore, being able to change billing details is a key function of the Billing Admin role within Campaign Manager, enabling individuals to manage the financial aspects of advertising campaigns effectively.

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Where do I find this certification program?

LinkedIn Ads certifications are available on LinkdIn Marketing Labs platform. You can access and earn individual certificates for free.

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