How can you use LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms? Select all that apply.

Encourage white paper downloads

Provide discounts

Drive newsletter subscriptions

Drive event registration

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How can you use LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms? Select all that apply.

Explanation: The selected answers, **'Encourage white paper downloads,'** **'Provide discounts,'** **'Drive newsletter subscriptions,'** and **'Drive event registration,'** are all valid ways to utilize LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms effectively. Lead Gen Forms are a powerful tool for capturing leads directly within LinkedIn's platform, making it convenient for users to engage with the advertised content and take action without leaving the site. Encouraging white paper downloads, providing discounts, driving newsletter subscriptions, and promoting event registration are all common objectives for lead generation campaigns, and LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms are well-suited to facilitate these actions. By leveraging Lead Gen Forms for these purposes, advertisers can streamline the lead capture process, increase conversion rates, and effectively grow their prospect lists. These forms enable advertisers to collect valuable contact information and preferences from interested users, allowing for personalized follow-up and nurturing strategies to further drive engagement and conversion. Therefore, utilizing LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms for white paper downloads, discounts, newsletter subscriptions, and event registration aligns with common lead generation objectives and can contribute to the success of marketing campaigns on the platform.

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LinkedIn Ads certifications are available on LinkdIn Marketing Labs platform. You can access and earn individual certificates for free.

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