Which of the following funnel stages apply to brand marketing? Select all that apply.






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Which of the following funnel stages apply to brand marketing? Select all that apply.

Explanation: The correct answers are **Awareness** and **Consideration**. In brand marketing, the primary objective often revolves around building brand recognition, familiarity, and trust among potential customers. The **Awareness** stage is crucial as it focuses on making the brand visible to the target audience and creating initial impressions. Through various marketing channels and strategies, companies aim to introduce their brand to potential customers, increasing its visibility and recognition. Once the brand becomes known, the **Consideration** stage follows, where potential customers evaluate the brand against competitors and consider its offerings. This stage involves providing valuable information, demonstrating the brand's unique selling propositions, and fostering positive associations to influence potential customers' decision-making process. While **Expansion** and **Frequency** are important concepts in marketing, they are not specific stages in the traditional marketing funnel, which typically comprises Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion. Therefore, for brand marketing purposes, focusing on **Awareness** and **Consideration** stages is essential to effectively build and nurture relationships with potential customers.

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