Valerie is a copywriter for a large brand. She needs to draft a few ads for an upcoming campaign. What length does LinkedIn recommend for her Sponsored Content Ad?

Fewer than 250 characters

Fewer than 150 characters

Fewer than 50 characters

Fewer than 200 characters

Fewer than 100 characters

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Valerie is a copywriter for a large brand. She needs to draft a few ads for an upcoming campaign. What length does LinkedIn recommend for her Sponsored Content Ad?

Explanation: The correct answer is **'Fewer than 150 characters'**. LinkedIn recommends concise and impactful copy for Sponsored Content Ads to capture the audience's attention effectively. With a limited character count, Valerie needs to convey her message succinctly while still engaging her target audience. Shorter ad copy tends to perform better on digital platforms like LinkedIn, where users often scroll quickly through their feeds. By keeping the copy under 150 characters, Valerie can ensure that her ads are concise, compelling, and optimized for engagement. This approach allows her to deliver her brand's message effectively within the constraints of the ad format, increasing the likelihood of capturing the audience's attention and driving desired actions such as clicks or conversions.

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Where do I find this certification program?

LinkedIn Ads certifications are available on LinkdIn Marketing Labs platform. You can access and earn individual certificates for free.

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