Which of the following refers to the marketing funnel?

The consideration stage is at the top of the funnel.

It encourages businesses to focus on what drives sales at the bottom of the funnel.

It shows how customers move from first learning about a business to purchasing something.

Every business uses the same marketing funnel to show the customer journey.

Certification program: 👉 Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate (Coursera)

Explanation: It shows how customers move from first learning about a business to purchasing something. The marketing funnel is a conceptual framework that illustrates the customer journey from initial awareness to the final purchase. It is a visual representation of the stages a potential customer goes through, starting with awareness, moving through consideration, and culminating in conversion. This model helps businesses understand and optimize their marketing strategies at each stage to guide and influence customers toward making a purchase. Unlike options suggesting a fixed focus only at the bottom of the funnel or asserting that every business uses the same funnel, the correct statement accurately captures the purpose and structure of the marketing funnel.

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