Which of the following statements best describe how a company’s brand and marketing work together? Select all that apply.

A company’s brand is the foundation for its marketing strategy.

A company’s brand identity changes with its marketing strategy.

A company’s marketing strategy can help a business build its brand.

A company’s marketing strategy defines its brand identity.

Certification program: 👉 Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate (Coursera)

Explanation: The relationship between a company’s brand and marketing is best described through the following statements, with the correct ones marked with A company’s brand is the foundation for its marketing strategy, emphasizing that the brand, representing the core values and identity, provides the basis for all marketing efforts. Contrarily, the notion that a company’s brand identity changes with its marketing strategy is not accurate, as the brand should remain consistent to build trust and recognition. Additionally, a company’s marketing strategy can help a business build its brand by effectively communicating the brand’s values, creating awareness, and shaping perceptions. The idea that a company’s marketing strategy defines its brand identity oversimplifies the relationship, as the brand should guide the marketing strategy rather than the other way around.

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