Why is social media an effective tool for targeting new customers?

Social media provides valuable insights into a business’s competition.

Social media automatically directs customers to a website when they view a post on business’s timeline.

People are already active and available on social media platforms because they are interacting with family, friends, and businesses.

Business promotions appear more frequently on social media feeds than on any other platform.

Certification program: 👉 Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate (Coursera)

Explanation: Social media is an effective tool for targeting new customers because people are already active and available on these platforms, engaging with family, friends, and businesses. Users spend significant amounts of time on social media platforms, creating an opportunity for businesses to reach a large and diverse audience. By strategically targeting advertisements and content, businesses can tap into the existing user base and capture the attention of potential customers who align with their target demographics. Social media’s interactive nature also allows for direct engagement and communication, enabling businesses to build relationships and trust with new customers. The platform’s widespread popularity makes it a valuable channel for expanding brand visibility and connecting with audiences in a way that aligns with their existing online behaviors.

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