Why should marketers measure cart abandonment?

Identifying cart abandonment metrics is the truest measure of a company’s ability to succeed online.

Finding out where customers drop off in the checkout process can help a company improve procedures and increase conversions.

Losing conversions count against the company, resulting in loss of trust among potential customers.

Failing to address issues of cart abandonment will cause loyal customers to shop at other online companies.

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Explanation: Marketers should measure cart abandonment because finding out where customers drop off in the checkout process can help a company improve procedures and increase conversions. Cart abandonment is a critical metric in understanding the challenges or obstacles customers face during the final stages of the purchasing journey. By analyzing the specific points at which customers abandon their carts, marketers can pinpoint areas of friction, address usability issues, and streamline the checkout process. This proactive approach allows companies to enhance the overall customer experience, reduce abandonment rates, and ultimately improve conversion rates. Unlike metrics related to company success or customer loyalty, focusing on cart abandonment provides actionable insights to optimize the online shopping experience and drive better results.

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