Alex read a lot about Google App campaigns, and he's eager to start one of his own. What's the first thing he should do before jumping into Google Ads interface?

Gather feedback from people who are already using his app regularly.

Conduct thorough research on apps belonging to similar businesses.

Create a library of assets that he might use during the ad creation process.

Define a goal that he wants to achieve with an App campaign.

Certification program: 👉 Google Ads Apps Certification Exam

Explanation: The correct answer is Define a goal that he wants to achieve with an App campaign. Before initiating a Google App campaign in the Google Ads interface, Alex should first establish a clear goal that outlines the desired outcome or objective of his campaign. Defining a goal provides a strategic direction for the campaign and helps align marketing efforts with business objectives. Alex should consider what specific actions he wants users to take, whether it’s increasing app installs, driving in-app purchases, boosting user engagement, or enhancing brand awareness. By clearly defining his goal, Alex can tailor his campaign strategy, targeting parameters, and performance metrics accordingly, ensuring that his efforts are focused on achieving measurable and meaningful results. Additionally, a well-defined goal serves as a benchmark for evaluating campaign success and enables Alex to track progress, optimize performance, and make informed decisions throughout the campaign lifecycle. Therefore, establishing a goal is a crucial first step for Alex to take before embarking on his Google App campaign, laying the foundation for a successful and effective advertising initiative.

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