Cosmetics brand Lit Looks isn't getting the reach that they expected from their Google App install campaign. They want to optimise their creative mix, focusing on video assets. They currently have two portrait videos and two landscape videos, ranging from 10–30 seconds in duration. What are they missing in their video asset mix?

A 60-second portrait video asset.

A square video asset.

A carousel video asset.

A 60-second landscape video asset.

Certification program: 👉 Google Ads Apps Certification Exam

Explanation: The missing component in Lit Looks’ video asset mix is a square video asset. In digital advertising, especially on platforms like Google Ads and social media, square video formats have become increasingly popular due to their versatility and performance. Square videos take up more screen real estate on mobile devices compared to landscape or portrait orientations, making them more visually prominent and engaging for users scrolling through feeds or browsing websites. Additionally, square videos often perform better in terms of viewability and engagement metrics, such as click-through rates and completion rates, as they are optimized for mobile viewing. Therefore, by incorporating a square video asset into their creative mix, Lit Looks can enhance the reach and effectiveness of their Google App install campaign, especially considering the importance of mobile advertising in reaching their target audience effectively.

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