According to LinkedIn, evergreen content is not as valuable as new, timely content.



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Explanation: False. Contrary to the statement, according to LinkedIn, evergreen content is indeed valuable and plays a crucial role in content strategy. Evergreen content refers to content that remains relevant and valuable to the audience over time, irrespective of when it was published. Unlike new, timely content, which may lose relevance quickly, evergreen content continues to attract traffic, engagement, and shares long after its initial publication date. This type of content provides lasting value to the audience and can serve as a foundation for building credibility, authority, and visibility on LinkedIn. By creating evergreen content, individuals and businesses can establish themselves as trusted resources within their industry or niche, attract a steady stream of traffic, and nurture long-term relationships with their audience. Therefore, the statement that evergreen content is not as valuable as new, timely content is false, as evergreen content holds enduring value and remains a cornerstone of effective content strategy on LinkedIn.

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