Contoso Kitchen Supplies are running product ads. When a searcher clicks on their ad, which of the following happens?

The searcher will be sent to the Contoso Kitchen Supplies' website.

Contoso Kitchen Supplies will be charged per 1000 impressions of their product ad.

The ad expands into a pop up description of the product within the search engine results page.

Contoso Kitchen Supplies will be charged on a cost per click basis.

Certification program: 👉 Microsoft Advertising Shopping certification exam

Explanation: When Contoso Kitchen Supplies runs product ads and a searcher clicks on one of their ads, two key events occur. Firstly, the searcher is sent to the Contoso Kitchen Supplies’ website. This is a crucial aspect of product ads, as it directs potential customers to a specific landing page where they can learn more about the product and potentially make a purchase. The seamless transition from the ad to the website ensures that interested users can easily find detailed information, product specifications, pricing, and any promotional offers that might encourage a buying decision. Secondly, Contoso Kitchen Supplies will be charged on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis. This means that they incur a cost each time a user clicks on their ad, rather than being charged for ad impressions or ad views. The CPC model is advantageous because it aligns advertising costs with actual user engagement, ensuring that Contoso Kitchen Supplies pays only when someone expresses direct interest in their product by clicking on the ad. This model is cost-effective and provides a clear metric for measuring the ad’s performance and return on investment (ROI). The other options listed, such as being charged per 1000 impressions (which would imply a cost-per-mille or CPM model) and the ad expanding into a pop-up description within the search engine results page, do not accurately describe what happens when a searcher clicks on a product ad in this context. The CPM model is typically used for display advertising rather than search ads, and while expanding pop-up descriptions might be a feature in some display networks, it is not a characteristic of standard product ads in search engine marketing. Therefore, by understanding that a click on a product ad sends the searcher to the advertiser’s website and incurs a cost based on the CPC model, Contoso Kitchen Supplies can effectively manage their advertising strategy, ensuring they drive relevant traffic to their site and only pay for tangible user interactions.

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