Which of the following is an optional attribute when creating your product feed?


Image link

Sale price


Certification program: 👉 Microsoft Advertising Shopping certification exam

Explanation: The correct answer is Sale price. When creating a product feed for Microsoft Advertising Shopping campaigns, the sale price attribute is optional. This attribute allows advertisers to specify a discounted price for a product when it is on sale or promotion. While providing a sale price can enhance the visibility and attractiveness of the product to potential customers, especially during promotional periods, it is not a mandatory attribute for creating the product feed. The sale price attribute offers advertisers the flexibility to highlight discounted prices for select products, helping to drive sales and increase competitiveness in the online marketplace. However, if a product is not currently on sale or if the advertiser chooses not to include sale pricing information in the feed, the sale price attribute can be left blank or omitted entirely without impacting the eligibility or performance of the product listings in Microsoft Advertising Shopping campaigns. Therefore, while the description, image link, and price are essential attributes for product feeds, the sale price attribute is optional, providing advertisers with the choice to include sale pricing information based on their marketing strategies and objectives.

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