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- - True or false? Preserving the integrity of your company’s data model is exclusively the job of operations professionals.
- - True or false? Regardless of how long it takes, you should respond to every single customer feedback survey you receive.
- - True or false? Regardless of your industry, you should send marketing emails celebrating every major holiday to your contacts.
- - True or false? Relevancy directly impacts ranking strength.
- - True or false? RevOps improvements generally require a large investment of money.
- - True or false? Sections provide a built-in way to set a background image.
- - True or false? Segmentation is a process that helps you understand your leads and customers better, and behavioral marketing is how you categorize them based on the understanding you gain.
- - True or false? Selling to prospects by messaging them on Facebook could be seen as invading their private space.
- - True or false? Share capital is the amount of money a company pays to its shareholders in the form of dividends and increased share value.
- - True or false? Shopping ads use product data to determine how and where to show ads.
- - True or false? Shopping campaigns can help promote online and local inventory.
- - True or false? Short-form videos are typically watched for less than 40% of their length.
- - True or false? Simon Sinek says that people want to buy what you have. They don’t care about what you believe.
- - True or false? SMS is a paid-add on available within Marketing Hub.
- - True or false? Social content is only used during the attract and delight stages of the inbound methodology.