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- - Aside from store visits, which of these inputs would you need to measure store sales?
- - Aside from the Google Merchant Center diagnostic interface, how would you expect to be notified of an account suspension?
- - Aside from the Google Merchant Center diagnostic interface, what other way will you be notified of an account suspension?
- - Assets assist in providing users with which two things they want from their search queries?
- - Assets help give users which two things they want to get out of their search queries?
- - Assuming that a shopper interacts with a product or service multiple times online before making an in-store purchase, how should you approach an omnichannel strategy?
- - Astrid has just created her company’s LinkedIn Page. Which of the following best practices would you recommend that she follows as she ramps up her organic posting? Select all that apply.
- - At a minimum, how often should you update your local product inventory feed?
- - At an advertising agency, you add several clients to your portfolio but they're across different categories.What's the correct way to structure the Campaign Manager 360 instances to make sure transferability is easy?
- - At what level in the account settings of Display & Video 360 can you manage frequency across multiple publishers within Programmatic Guaranteed deals?
- - At what level in the Google Ads interface does the marketer select Android or iOS as the mobile app platform?
- - At what level should you evaluate performance for your Search Ads 360 bid strategies?
- - At which stage of the Buyer’s Journey is a user most likely to be if she is spending time on your products page?
- - Autosity feels that they have room to improve their mobile conversion rate (mCvR). They've asked Karl to identify opportunities to improve this area. Which of the following actions would help Karl to identify opportunities in improving Autosity's mCvR?
- - Banisha wants to understand her customers' business priorities. Which ad type would help her gather those insights?