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- - Francois recently created his company's LinkedIn Page. According to LinkedIn, how many followers does his Page need to have to start having exponential growth?
- - Frank runs a scuba-diving business that offers lessons and sells scuba-diving equipment. Frank wants to engage with users who are researching scuba-diving lessons. Which marketing objective should Frank choose when creating his Display campaign?
- - Fred is explaining to their client, Foodoko, that the user journey is a complex one when it comes to creating a conversion. Which phases of the user journey does what's described as the messy middle include?
- - From an inbound perspective, why is it important to know your audience and who you’re trying to reach online?
- - From top to bottom, what should your search account structure hierarchy look like?
- - From top to bottom, what should your search account structure hierarchy look like?
- - From what option in the navigation menu of Search Ads 360 can labels be created?
- - FuelCoach feels that they have room to improve their mobile conversion rate (mCvR). They've asked Ricardo to identify opportunities to improve this area. Which of the following actions would help Ricardo to identify opportunities in improving FuelCoach's mCvR?
- - Full disclosure: IMPACT is a HubSpot partner — but that's not why they're included here. IMPACT's landing pages have long been a source of design inspiration. Looking at this landing page, which best practices are the content creators over at IMPACT using to entice visitors to convert? Select all that apply.
- - Gavin is creating a Google Display ads campaign to help grow sales for his online clothing store. His goal is to connect with users who previously viewed pages on his website without making a purchase. Which option will best serve Gavin's marketing goals?
- - George is outlining his content strategy for his LinkedIn Page. What type of content should he consider leveraging? Select all that apply.
- - George regularly checks his conversion data in his Google App campaign, but recently he overheard colleagues talking about the importance of including view-through conversions and he's not sure what that means. What does a view-through conversion mean for George's Google App campaign?
- - Gerald is the product manager for, a website for comedians. Earlier this year, many comments from site feedback complained about poor responsiveness. Working with the site marketing and development teams, Gerald created a plan where the site responsiveness metrics couldn't fall below a certain level. Which plan type is Gerald's plan?
- - Gertie is the marketer for a client's website, Her customer has hired her to increase sales revenue through the site. She wants to start by improving the landing page experience. What are two landing page elements Gertie should focus on? Select the best answers.
- - Giovanni manages all his company’s social media channels. Which two actions does LinkedIn recommend to maximize the use of his content throughout the different channels?