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- - Evaluate this SLA: Marketing will produce $100,000 of lead value each quarter, and sales will contact every marketing qualified lead within 24 hours of receiving it.
- - Evaluate this SLA: Marketing will send four marketing emails each month, and sales will follow up with 50% of the recipients.
- - Evaluate this SLA: Sales will contact all marketing qualified leads within five minutes.
- - Evaluate this step of a sales process: Budget holder approved expense.
- - Evaluate this step of a sales process: Buyer discussed our product with their team.
- - Evaluate this step of a sales process: Buyer stopped responding to outreach.
- - Evaluate this step of a sales process: Buyer submitted “Contact Sales” form.
- - Evaluate this step of a sales process: Contract sent.
- - Evaluate this step of a sales process: Product demonstrated.
- - Evan has been working on improving the mobile experience for CookingGenius. The owner of CookingGenius is interested in quantifying the impact that Evan's work has had. Evan knows that one way of doing this is to calculate the relative mobile conversion rate (rel mCvR). How can Evan calculate rel mCvR for CookingGenius?
- - Even though many of Performance Max's features are optimized via machine learning, some need to be added manually. Which of these features need to be added manually? Choose two.
- - Every ad contains a URL displaying your website address. You can add two optional path fields to the display URL in a text ad. What's an advantage of using these optional path fields?
- - Every content brainstorm needs the following EXCEPT:
- - Every story has these three storytelling elements. What are they?
- - Exact match can also match to search queries that are minor variations of the keyword, or ‘close variants’.