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- - What's an example of an online sales goal?
- - What's an example of an online sales goal?
- - What's an example of applying user privacy solutions as a positive business opportunity?
- - What's an example of Customer Match driving personalized, high-performance campaigns?
- - What's an ideal customer profile?
- - What's an important benefit of opting into automatically applied recommendations?
- - What's automatically optimized with a Performance max campaign?
- - What's automatically optimized with a Smart Shopping campaign?
- - What's one benefit of using responsive display ads?
- - What's one reason to use a responsive display ad for your campaign?
- - What's one way Google AI helps marketers connect with potential customers?
- - What's one way that an eCommerce client can use Smart Bidding?
- - What's one way you can engage with your team when developing an online-to-offline strategy?
- - What's one way you can use custom dimensions in Search Ads 360 to help make business decisions?
- - What's provided by Responsive Display Ads?