Knowledge Base
Learn, practice and find the answers with explanations to the real digital marketing certification questions. Questions, Explanations, Answers. Learn Smarter!
- - Why is it important to keep track of Google algorithm updates?
- - Why is it important to keep track of trends and updates in your business' niche?
- - Why is it important to make sure the people buying your product are happy?
- - Why is it important to map out the conversion path of a smart CTA for each segment?
- - Why is it important to reconcile date ranges on your campaigns’ sources reports?
- - Why is it important to share the length of your sales cycle with your LinkedIn representatives?
- - Why is it important to uncap budgets to fully capture the benefits of Google's AI?
- - Why is it important to wait until the end of the strategy stage to complete the website-specific strategy items?
- - Why is it necessary to obtain consent before sending your audience promotional SMS messages?
- - Why is it recommended to have a remarketing list with a Smart Shopping campaign?
- - Why is it recommended to use Axios when making HTTP requests?
- - Why is it useful to leverage your own data when building target audiences? Select all that apply.
- - Why is optimized targeting a good fit for a cookieless world?
- - Why is organic content a complement of paid media?
- - Why is over-optimizing bad?